HTML/URL Renderer

This module allows for render/screenshot of URL and file observables.

The analyzer is used in conjuction with the BaseRenderClient found in saq.render, which is responsible for handling requests for render job creation, watching, and output download.

Currently only RenderControllerClient has been created, which is desgined to be used with the Controller/Redis/Render model, in which HTTP requests are used for communication with the controller service.

In the future, and Render client designed to interact directly with Redis (or other queue) may be considered.


The Render Analyzer accepts both file and URL observables and performs the following actions.

  • Verifies required configuration exists
  • Loads observable content and configuration to submit render request
    • URL content loaded is just the URL
    • HTML content loaded is the file contents using the filename
      • if HTML, the module also checks prior FileTypeAnalysis in order to ensure the file is indeed an HTML file
  • Submits work item with request contnet
  • 'Watches' work item until it moves from 'queued' to 'in_progress' to 'complete'
  • Chance for a timeout at this point; if that happens, the analysis is delayed.
    • If a timeout occurs during delayed analysis the analysis will fail (in order to prevent recursion)
  • If the work item has status 'failed', the analysis will fail
  • Upon completion, gets output data of work item
  • Writes the output data to a file within alert's root directory with name renderer_{observable_id}.png
    • RenderControllerClient output data: an encoded string stored in Redis. Saved by writing decoded data to file.
  • Screenshot file is added to alert as an observable with DIRECTIVE_EXCLUDE_ALL, as there is no analysis to be done for the screenshot


module = saq.modules.render
class = RenderAnalyzer
enabled = no

; determines what client to use, RenderControllerClient currently only existing implementation
; ex. in the future add RenderRedisClient to connect directly to Redis instance
session_type = controller

base_uri =
port =
verify =
client_cert =
auth_token =

output_type = redis
output_width = 1024
output_height = 1024

; how long to sleep between checking for job completion (seconds)
watch_sleep_time = 20
; how long to wait for job completion before raising timeout (seconds)
watch_timeout_time = 300

If using Docker Swarm for local Renderer service, your base_uri can be easily found with comamand docker node ls using the HOSTNAME value for the node your Swarm is running on.

Adding a New Render Client

If you would like to create a new client for use with this module, there are a few places that changes will be required:

  • New Client class in saq.render derived from BaseRenderClient that implements all abstract methods, submit_work_item, watch, renderer_finished, and get_output_data
  • RENDER_SETUP_MAP in saq.modules.render should be updated to included key:value pair equivalent to analysis_module_render.session_type:RenderClientClassName
  • Update config to include any appropriate connection variables, and set the session_type to the new value you defined in RENDER_SETUP_MAP