HTML/URL Render Service

The HTML/URL Render Service is a suite of containers that function to securely render HTML and URL Observables into images. The design of the system is such that, depending on deployment, even malicious content can be rendered. Once rendered, the images can be served through ACE's GUI to analysts, to allow for quick triaging.

Local Development

The suite of containers are orchestrated through either Docker Compose or Docker Swarm. Running the suite through Swarm will allow for auto replication of expired Renderer containers, at the expense of a single log file. You can run the service through either of these, but understand that with docker-compose, only a single render job will be processed.


Docker is configured to use the render2/src/shared folder as the build context. Dockerfiles can be found at:

  • render2/src/controller/Dockerfile
  • render2/src/nginx/Dockerfile
  • render2/src/renderer/Dockerfile

The containers that are deployed are based on the following DockerHub images:

  • nginx: nginx:alpine
  • controller: tiangolo/uvicorn-gunicorn-fastapi
  • redis: redis:latest
  • renderer: selenium/standalone-chrome

Docker Compose

The docker-compose.yml file is at render2/. To run the containers locally through docker-compose, follow these steps:

  1. cd render2
  2. docker-compose build
  3. docker-compose up


The swarm-stack.yml file is at render2/. To run the containers locally through swarm, use the render2/ script, and follow these steps:

  1. cd render2
  2. ./ start

You can force swarm to rebuild all the container images through ./ start force


Tests must be run from the root ace directory! All tests related to the renderer are in tests/render2. Tests span both unit and integration. Tests marked integration will spin up containers through Docker, so you will need to ensure that you are not running any containers locally that would conflict. Integration tests also have a longer runtime, due to container start/stop time (and potentially build time).

If you want the renderer to use a web proxy while running tests: 1. Run cd /path/to/ice && cp /path/to/ice/.env.template /path/to/ice/.env 2. Fill in the variables. DO NOT commit the .env file to version control.

Reverse Proxy

The nginx proxy serves two functions:

  1. It terminates the HTTPS client-based certificate authentication.
  2. It reverse proxies requests to (potentially) multiple Controller containers running.

You can pass a Base64 encoded string of the certificates as environment variables to dynamically set the server certificates as well as the CA for the client certificates: - NGINX_SERVER_NAME - The host as seen from the client's perspective - NGINX_X509_PRIVATE_KEY_B64 - Base64 encoded string of the private x509 server key - NGINX_X509_PUBLIC_CERT_B64 - Base64 encoded string of the public x509 server cert - CLIENT_CERT_CA - Base64 encoded x509 public certificate that signed the client certificates (used for auth) - UVICORN_HOST - Hostname/ip of the Controller container - UVICORN_PORT - Port the Controller is listening on

These values will be dynamically injected into the nginx.conf file at container startup.

Nginx container listens on port 8443 by default

There is a helper script to generate your own server x509 certs, CA, and client-signed certs.

  1. Make sure you have openssl installed
  2. cd /path/to/ice/render2/src/nginx
  3. ./


The Controller is implemented as a FastAPI HTTP API. It uses several pydantic models to perform validation on requests & data: - JobIn - JobOut

It has the following endpoints:

Endpoint HTTP Request Body Response Body codes
job/ POST {
"content_type": "url",
"content": ""
"output_type": "redis",
"width": 1024,
"height": 1024
"id": "b5530f79-9084-394d-b8d0-8e1ec8c77dc5",
"content_type": "url",
"content": "",
"output_type": "redis",
"width": 0,
"height": 0,
"status": "queued",
"data": null
201, 409, 422, 500
job/{job_id} GET {
"id": "b5530f79-9084-394d-b8d0-8e1ec8c77dc5",
"content_type": "url",
"content": "",
"output_type": "redis",
"width": 0,
"height": 0,
"status": "processing",
"data": "base64string
404, 500
job/{job_id} DELETE 200
ping/ GET 200

Controller container can be populated with environment variables: - REDIS_HOST - Hostname or IP of the redis database - REDIS_PORT - Port to use for Redis - REDIS_DB - Database to use on the Redis host. NOTE this needs to be the same for the controller and renderer containers. - JOB_QUEUE_KEY - The name of the job queue. NOTE should be set to the same value for the controller and renderer. - PORT - The port the controller should listen on. NOTE should be set to the same value for the UVICORN_PORT on the nginx container. Port 8080 is preferred.


Once the controller is deployed, it automatically provisions interactive API documentation at the following endpoints:

  • {root_url}/docs through Swagger
  • {root_url}/redoc through Redoc


A full suite of Postman requests and tests are included. Due to client-based cert authentication, you will need to configure Postman to use client certificates before sending requests. If cert-based authorization is not configured, no requests will be served!

You can import the test suite through Postman using the tests/render2/RenderTests.postman_collection.json. Within the Collection are several folders:

  • Happy Path URL - this suite replicates the ACE Render Analysis Module's behavior for a job containing just a URL:
    • POST a new job.
    • GET the newly created job until job status resolves.
    • DELETE the job.
  • Happy Path HTML - this suite replicates the ACE Render Analysis Module's behavior for a job containing pre-crawled HTML, similar to the above.
  • Sad Path - this suite tests all of the controller's data validation for incorrect values
  • Misc - this suite contains miscellaneous requests, such as the /ping heartbeat and redirect behavior.


Redis is configured to communicate with both the Controller and the Renderer


Redis currently uses the following parameters:

  • Port: 6379
  • DB: 0

Redis Schema

The redis schema uses the following keys:

  • render:queue:incoming: stores a Redis.List of all new job_ids that are waiting to be processed
  • render:job:<job_id>: stores each job's hashmap

Job Hashmap

A job in redis is represented as follows:

    "id": "string"              - Value is the job id
    "content": "string"         - Value should be the URL or the HTML string
    "content_type": "string"    - Value should be 'url' or 'html'
    "output_type": "string"     - Value should be 'file' or 'redis'
    "output_name": "string"     - Value should be file path + file name like /path/to/screenshot.png or redis key to store binary at or S3 object path
    "width": integer            - Screenshot width in pixels
    "height": integer           - Screenshot height in pixels
    "status": "string"          - Value should be (queued, in_progress, completed, failed)


The Renderer executes the following steps:

  1. Checks for a job_id in the queue. If the queue is empty, the renderer sleep()s.
  2. Takes a job, extracts necessary information and sends it to the remote selenium webdriver.
  3. Received the rendered picture data and stores it.

It abstracts away the storage method through the BaseStorage class, and subclasses.

See more at Renderer lifecycle

Environment variables at runtime: - REDIS_HOST - Hostname or IP of the redis database - REDIS_PORT - Port to use for Redis - REDIS_DB - Database to use on the Redis host. NOTE this needs to be the same for the controller and renderer containers. - JOB_QUEUE_KEY - The name of the job queue. NOTE should be set to the same value for the controller and renderer. - PROXY_HOST - Hostname of the proxy if applicable. If this environment variable is not populated, the proxy settings are not set. - PROXY_PORT - Port for the proxy if applicable - PROXY_USER - Username for proxy if applicable (not required to use proxy) - PROXY_PASS - Password for proxy if applicable (not required to use proxy)

Data Storage

The rendered picture data was designed to be stored in a variety of ways. Currently, data is stored as a base64 encoded string directly in the Redis job hashmap. This could eventually be extended to file storage or S3 bucket storage.

Shared code

Some code is shared across containers.


The JobQueue class essentially abstracts away Redis, and allows both the Controller and Renderer to access jobs through a single API, without needing direct access to Redis.


The Renderer creates a CachedJob in its main run() loop, which grabs a job off the queue and stores it for the lifetime of the Renderer.


Each module has it's own logger, and each logger uses a special TruncatingFormatter object. This prevents the logged messages from exceeding a maximum size (MAX_BYTES in render2/src/shared/