
ACE uses the standard logging library found in Python to record logs. ACE uses the following logging levels.

  • DEBUG: very verbose debugging log data useful only for developers.
  • INFO: events that have significance to the normal operation of ACE.
  • WARNING: events that indicate something is wrong, misconfigured or failing.
  • ERROR: used to log error data.
  • CRITICAL: this is used very rarely to indicate some kind of catastrophic error condition that would prevent ACE from running.

Logging Configuration

ACE uses the python configuration file format for logging configuration.

Logging configuration files are stored in the configuration directory. The default logging configuration is etc/console_logging.ini which sends all logging output to the console.

A different logging configuration can be specified by using the -L or --logging-config-path command line option.

Logging Level

By default ACE operates at logging level INFO. This level can be modified using the --log-level command line option.

Service Logging

Services that execute in background (daemon) mode have special rules for loading logging configuration files..