ACE Databases

ACE uses multiple MySQL databases to operate. Each ACE cluster uses a different set of databases.


Each database connection is defined in the configuration file in a section formatted as [database_NAME] where NAME is the unique name of the database.

The following database names are supported.

  • database_ace
  • database_collection
  • database_brocess
  • database_email_archive

Additional integrations may add more.

All database configurations are formatted as follows.

hostname =
unix_socket =
database =
username =
password =
;ssl_key = ssl/mysql/client-key.pem
;ssl_cert = ssl/mysql/client-cert.pem
;ssl_ca = ssl/mysql/ca-cert.pem

hostname is the DNS name of the host running the database. This can be localhost if the database is running locally.

unix_socket is an optional setting the defines the full path to the unix socket connection to the database. This only applies when the hostname is set to localhost.

database is the name of the database on the database server.

username and password are the credentials used to access the database.

NOTE that you cannot use encryption to store the database credentials because the encryption key is stored in the database.

There are optional settings for ssl connections to the database. You should use SSL if the database is on a remote system.

The ssl_ca should point to the certificate authority chain file. The ssl_key and ssl_cert should point to the key and certificate files.

You must also configure MySQL for SSL before using these options.

User Accounts

By default the installation gives the user ace-user read/write access to all of the ACE-related databases.

An additional user called ace-superuser is also created that has the same privilege levels as the database root user. This has a different password than the ace-user.

Both users are allowed access from any host.

MySQL Defaults Files

MySQL defaults files are created for both users. You can use these files with the mysql command to access the database.

  • etc/mysql_defaults: defaults for ace-user
  • etc/mysql_defaults.root: defaults for ace-superuser


The following databases are used by ACE.


The email_archive database contains a recorded history of all emails received by either the zeek-based smtp collector or the office365-based email collector.


The collection database points ACE at the database to use for executing collectors.

If the entire ACE cluster runs on the same system, then these settings can be the same as the settings for [database_ace].

MySQL Considerations

ACE currently uses a large number of database settings. Each ACE process could use from 20 to 50 connections. You may need to adjust the maximum number of MySQL connections to a much higher number until this issue is refactored out.