
See the design guide for an overview of integrations. Integrations work closely with how configuration files are loaded.

When an integration is enabled two additional configuration files are loaded that have the filename etc/saq.INTEGRATION.default.ini and etc/saq.INTEGRATION.ini where

  • INTEGRATION is the name of the integration
  • the saq.INTEGRATION.default.ini file contains the global default settings for the integration.
  • the saq.INTEGRATION.ini file contains local site settings that override the default.

Viewing Available Integartions

You can display the name and status of each available integartion. The status can be either enabled or disabled.

ace integration list

Enabling and Disabling Integrations

You can enable and disable integrations. NAME is the name of the integration as shown by the list command.

ace integration enable NAME
ace integration disable NAME

Adding and Removing Integrations

The list of available integrations is stored in etc/saq.integrations.ini. The enabled and disable commands change the values in this file, and the list command simply formats a list of the contents of this file.